
Latest news:

January, 2007:
New design and layout finished and uploaded to our new Server. Development of our all new sub-site dealing solely with Boundary Disputes and Expert Witness services reflecting our increasing involvement in this area of specialist mapping.   



More info:

Real Time survey & Drafting. 

By linking hand held laser measuring devices and reflector-less total stations wirelessly to hand held computing devices we actually "draw up" the survey as it progresses. 

This negates the need for revisits to check dimensions that just don't add up.


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Version: 1.0
(July 25, 2005)

Building and Measured Building Surveys

Floor plans, sections and elevations

Hannaway & Hannaway specialize in providing measured building surveys of  buildings old or new. We offer a cost effective solution to provide measured floor plans, elevations and sections. Our survey is conducted and drawn up in Real Time using the latest non contact laser measurement systems linked to handheld computers. We can also offer elevation extraction from terrestrial digital photogrammetry providing you with Ortho rectified photographic elevations as well as traditional line elevations.

You may wish to consider us when next you require any of the following

All Surveys are carried out in accordance with RICS Code of measurement.

The completed survey is available in both hard and soft copies and comprise of plans, sections and elevations as well as rectified ortho-photos, if requested. 

2d and 3d heighted data related to a baseline or benchmark can also be output for all points surveyed which eliminates the need for the commissioning client to scale off the drawings as the spatial data relationship of all elements is clearly visible.